Away From Home/ਘਰੋਂ ਦੂ..ਰ

06 November 2009

ਗੱਲਾਂ ਤੋਤਲੀਆਂ / Kidz talk

Some more quotes from her:

"Dirty doesn't like Clean"

"I love Guru Nanak Dev Ji.. cuz..cuz.. he never hurts any one"

While I she was asking for the choclate milk and I was telling her that I have to check with your mom.. she said loudly..
"Why do you always have to check everythng with mom.. why can't you decide yourself?"

"Papa today I ate the roti... the one with vegetables inside"

"Some times I bother Manseerat (her elder sister) just to see how she cries"
